Friday, March 28, 2008

Adjustment and Painful Molars!

My son and I both had an ortho appointment yesterday. He (lucky dog) was there to get his braces off. His teeth look great and when all his permanent teeth are in, he will get braces put back on ~ what they call "phase 2". When I was little I had never heard of phase 1 and phase 2. So yes, we get to pay for braces twice.

I was going to get a thick power chain put on my upper teeth to close up some spaces, but when she went to put the wire on, it popped off two of my back brackets. So I had to sit through the joy of having them put back on. They decided to go with a smaller wire for now. Let me just say, these wires work fast because my molars are killing me today! The ones on the right hurt more so at least I can eat on the left.

The girl said (the doctor wasn't in) that they are going to leave my bottom wire in until I come in next time because the doctor needs to "make space" for my bottom teeth ~ aka filing in between my teeth. Oh yay, something to look forward to!!


Wired Lady said...

Totally jealous of your son... :)

stephanie said...

Wow... braces in two stages? Cool stuff (and lucky him for getting them off!)

Jen said...

Hi, good to hear things are progressing. What are power chains? Is it the thick square stainless steel wire? Jen

Michelle said...

My daughter is in her second stage and I'm sure she'll get them off before me too. I'll definately be jealous!

Anonymous said...

poor aimee! miss you!

nabukay said...

hi aimee its been ages hope your teeth are feeling better by now. can't beleive they make kids get braces twice, oh well. whenever i see people who tell me they had braces when they were kids i feel so envious even though i am kind of enjoying mine because they make me different...

ingrid said...

haha! yes, Dr. S could use help in his bedside manners. I was supposed to be in braces for 1 year, but it ended up being 1 year and 9 months.
I totally know what you mean about looking like a freak. I was always super self conscious meeting with clients for work. The worst was going out to eat with clients...

Good luck with your braces! Hopefully it won't be too long before surgery.