Thursday, September 20, 2007

Eeeek.... a picture!

Okay, so this is me with my braces...


Casey said...

Hey aimee your teeth look so straight! Day 10 post op for me now and now i'm past the worst i can say i think this journey your going on is definitly worth it. Nice eyes aimee.

Aimee said...

Thanks, Casey! My teeth are straight, it's everything else that is screwed up. haha
Wow, congratulations on 10 days post op. I can't wait to be that far along. I'm sure it will be here before I know it.

Anonymous said...

Your braces are cute!
I'm loving your blog, too.

Shontelly said...

Well aren't you just beautiful with those blue eyes! ;) Hope that makes ya smile and show off ya brace face. :D

Aimee said...

Well, thank you so much, Shontell. Definitely gave me a smile even with the braces. :)

allison said...

So pretty! Braces and all!

amycq said...

they look great!! :))

Erin said...

Hey Aimee! I like the picture! What kind of brackets did you end up getting? I couldn't quite tell from the picture.

I know it's frustrating to see your bite worsen with braces. I got the same warning and experienced it as well. I got a true underbite at one point, worse open-bite and had all these funky gaps in the lower front teeth, and that was about a year in. The teeth will do funny things as they get set up in their pre-surgery positions. I think you're going to get an amazing result from your surgery. Can't wait to watch your journey!

Steph & Steve G said...

You look totally cute!!!

Aimee said...

Thanks everyone! Wow, these comments are so enouraging. lol
Erin, I got the Damon 3 brackets. They are clear on the top portion of the bracket and metal on the bottom portion of the bracket. I will try and take a picture of them today. My teeth are starting to move into such strange positions though, especially the bottom ~ some are up, some are down, it's weird.
Thanks again, everyone, for reading and commenting!

Aimee said...

Actually, if you click on the picture (I just realized) it comes up HUGE, so you can see my braces better. I didn't realize it was that big. Yikes. :)

Michelle said...

Hi Aimee, I just caught up on your Blog today. You look great with the braces, I wouldn't fret at all. I think you wear them well. I added your link to my blog, and will start following your progress, Cheers to you and your son!

Anonymous said...

I love this pic! Where have you been?

nabukay said...

i think you still look pretty you should see with my braces. i've had them for three days and some people (most people around) me are either shocked or grossed out but i reckon i am ecited about having them. their becoming a part of me...

Shontelly said...

Hi aimee, I just looked at your picture and to me your chin looks just fine. I think our face shapes are very simular actually.