Tuesday, July 17, 2007

My Orthodontic Diagnosis


• Jaw joint rubbing or grating was found on the right and it may be due to arthrosis
• Excessive grinding of teeth (bruxism) may result in enamel wear and muscle fatigue
• The upper jaw did not develop as much as the lower jaw in relation to the forehead
• The upper jaw did not develop as much as the lower jaw in width
• Lower jaw has developed more than the upper jaw in relation to the forehead
• Chin is positioned to the left of facial midline
• Improper relationship of posterior teeth on right side
• Improper relationship of posterior teeth on left side
• Improper relationship of right cuspid teeth
• Improper relationship of left cuspid teeth
• Space available for upper teeth is insufficient resulting in dental crowding. This condition tends to worsen with age.
• Space available for the lower teeth is insufficient resulting in dental crowding. This condition tends to worsen with age.
• An underbite is present
• Upper dental midline is symmetric and coincides with middle of the face
• Lower front teeth are left of center midline
• Improper width relationship of upper and lower teeth. This condition may affect jaw growth and may also reflect in enamel wear and periodontal trauma.
• Soft tissue facial asymmetries noted
• Lower jaw (chin) is positioned too far forward in relation to the forehead
• Upon smiling, tooth exposure seems insufficient. Records will be evaluated to determine means to achieve a nicer smile.


Orthognathic jaw surgery in combination with braces: estimated treatment time = 22-26 months


Correct existing malocclusion to improve "bite" relationship
Eliminate existing crowding
Achieve normal overbite/overjet
Broaden dental arches to maximize smile line
Align dental midlines with each other and facial midline
Cosmetic alignment of anterior teeth
Stop and prevent further enamel wear of anterior teeth due to heavy and end to end tooth contact
Correct existing cross-bites to improve chewing function
Improve jaw relationship and function
Improve profile; lip relationship, function and posture


allison said...

Hey Aimee, I want to put a list of blogs I read on my sidebar. Mind if I add you?


Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind at all. Thanks!

amycq said...

Hey Aimee!
Thanks for your support. It's been a long road for me and it is strange that I'm finally in the last stretch! I read your comment on not knowing 'if you're worth it' well..YOU ARE! I felt the same way, I never spent money or time on myself and felt self-indulgent for going ahead with this treatment. But, we do actually have medical problems because of our bite--it's not just a cosmetic thing. Plus you deserve to feel and look your best! I will add you to my list of blogs and will be following your journey too!

keep on blogging!